Pretty cool…hot…well…oh nevermind.

One of my Christmas presents which I have used more than once a day since I got it is the Keurig coffee pot.  Now my fiancee had been raving about it for months, I’d seen it advertised at Le Gourmet Chef at the mall, as well as in my own office.  I’ve had a Mr.Coffee for 6 years now, and it was good enough – so I thought.

Every night I’d clean the pot, fill the reservoir, put in a new filter and load it with coffee.  Every morning at 5:45am, it would start brewing and the scent of fresh brewed coffee would usually wake my ass up before the alarm clock.  It was ritual, it was tradition – it was good enough for me.

I laughed when I tried the pod maker, a first challenger to the mighty throne beneath Mr.Coffee.  The amount of maintenance that thing required to actually use, as well as a lack of any sort of timer, ruled it out.  Then came the mighty K.

I tell ya folks, this has got to be the greatest invention for coffee lovers since Juan Valdez said “Hey, what happens when you boil the stuff we hide the cocaine in?”  It’s simple enough to use.  Fill the reservoir, and plug it in.  That’s it.  Want a fresh cup of coffee?  Slide your mug into the machine, pop in a k-cup with a pre-measured dose of joe, then hit the brew button.  THATS IT.  A perfectly measured, heated, and tasty cup of coffee every time.

There’s also an adapter that’ll let me use fresh ground as well.  Pretty cool…hot…well… oh nevermind.

Consider Mr.Coffee defeated.

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