Category Archives: Family

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. –Proverbs 22:6

Happy Father’s Day.

I am not certain if it was just my own perception this year, but it felt like every where I turned I saw a father’s day advertisement. TV. Radio. Internet. SPAM. It was inescapable. I don’t think I saw nearly … Continue reading

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Yesterday for Thanksgiving, my family got together at a table full of Chinese food to catch up, chew the fat, and reminisce. Besides a last minute scramble to find a Chinese restaurant which was actually open (called 15, only 1 … Continue reading

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Farewell To A Friend

Early this morning I got the news that one of my best friends passed away. I’ve been a resident of Pine Island, NY for 20 years at this point… I didn’t really immerse myself in the people and culture until … Continue reading

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Go Hug Your Dad.

I was sitting a bar when I got the call. Kept my composure, finished my drink, hopped in my truck and wept as I drove back to the house. I honestly cannot recall my final Father’s Day with my dad. … Continue reading

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I am blessed

Looking back at the video I shared last night, and the massive pile of CDs my dad already converted and I need to go through, all I can say is that I am blessed. Nothing but God is eternal. One … Continue reading

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“That’s My Boy”

When I was 6 years old, my dad worked for a very big company based out of Peapack, NJ. Right now I think the massive old campus is owned by Pfizer. Anyhow, every year they had a “family day” where … Continue reading

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So I’m back on Facebook after roughly two months clear of the platform. This time around, I’m only connecting with people I know and chat with on a regular basis… People I’ve no need to mute or unfriend. Previously I … Continue reading

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Memories of Christmas

Close your eyes for a moment and try to remember the first thing you recall of Christmas as a child. For me, it wasn’t how slowly December 24th proceeded. Nor was it waking up at 5am while I could still … Continue reading

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My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean

So last week I apparently hit the “anger” stage of grief. I’ve grieved in the past, for my failed marriage, for lost pets, but never really like this for a person, especially family. Loss of a loved one is different. … Continue reading

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Emotional Landmines, and Truth

I’m back at work this week, so I need to get my usual habits back in order. That means setting up my coffee for Monday morning. The folks in my department were very nice and sent me a gift basket … Continue reading

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