So I tried this past Saturday to land 2 tickets for myself and my girlfriend to see Daughtry perform in Troy, NY. At 10:00am the tickets went on sale. Before 10:01am they were gone. None available at Ticketmaster online or over the phone. Needless to say I was, and am, PISSED OFF.
I don’t go to many concerts, the ones I do attend I buy my tickets honestly from Ticketmaster (oxymoron there, as I firmly believe Ticketmaster is a fucking farce in itself) for the fair selling price. I decided to check 2 popular ticket sites on the net which resell tickets… StubHub and TicketsNow.
Now mind you, these tickets cost $20 a pop at Ticketmaster. If I was at the box office for the venue and bought these tickets, they’d cost me $20. StubHub had prices ranging from $123 to $165 for a SINGLE TICKET and TicketsNow had them for $105 a pop. How the fuck this isn’t opportunistic scalping I do not know, and I refuse to accept the ‘Secondary Ticketing’ line.
I guess you could call this business the dirty taint of the Capitalist machine.
Now as a fan of Daughtry, someone who has followed his career from Absent Element, through Idol, and now into his solo career, I want to see the guy perform live – as does my gf. Sure, I can drop $210 plus whatever other fees and taxes apply to buy tickets to the Troy show, a 2 hour drive from my home. I can also try to land tickets to the show in Philadelphia. It’s the principle of the thing though. These scumbags are denying actual fans the opportunity to see their favorite artists at a fair price for no purpose greater than the almighty dollar.
They don’t give a shit about the music, or the artist, and that’s fucking wrong. These people are the enemy of the music industry, but they’re too busy infusing their ill-gotten gains back into the industry for the big-wigs to realize they’re selling themselves – and the fans – up shit creek without a boombox.
It’s nice to know that if I’m standing outside a venue, trying to offload extra tickets for the same amount I paid – I can get arrested for scalping. However, if I’m a big business funneling millions of dollars back into the coffers of the greedy music industry scumbags, I can scalp $20 tickets at nearly $200 a piece without breaking a sweat.
The entire music industry needs a fucking enema with sulphuric acid, from the music distributors to the tour promoters. I LIKE the CD. I LIKE live concerts. Due to corruption, loopholes, and greed, I am forced to change my habits as a consumer to avoid getting screwed by the industry who blames their faults on my peers instead of their own crooked practices.
Fuck the stupid fuckers in their fucking stupid asses.