Apparently some nitwit lawyer in Chicago spotted a car with military plates and military stickers on it. Unable to control his anti-war sentiment, he proceeded to key the car and get caught – by the Marine owner who is set to leave for his second deployment in Iraq on January 2nd.
Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine’s Car on Eve of Deployment
The arrogance of some people never ceases to amaze. What people are willing to say and do these days is absurd. Call it arrogance, stubborn pride, or just sheer immature stupidity… People used to have boundaries, now anything is possible if the cowards can get away with it. We’ve got a nation of dittoheads who will happily nod and agree with any idea or action as long as they agree with it or are simply too scared to scream “BULLSHIT!”
In any event… Best wishes and God Bless Sgt McNulty’s family, and please – make it home safe and sound from Iraq.