When it comes to politics and music, I don’t really care as long as the music is good. They can rip my ideas as much as possible, as long as it is clearly evident they possess the ability to write great songs and music – I’ll overlook their political viewpoints.
Two acts are currently back on the scene with new tracks – political in nature – but the songs are so damned infectious I don’t care.
First, Shinedown – Devour. When they hit the radio a few years back I picked up their first album in a heartbeat and listened to it on repeat until the speakers bled. There was such an energy and drive to the music that could not be denied. Then they followed up with “Us & Them.” I didn’t even bother buying the album, I listened to a copy for about 5 minutes and handed it right back. Good to see Shinedown has a new fire lit under its ass, hopefully the rest of the album is as good as the single.
Next, Candlebox – Stand. Their self titled album holds a special place in my personal collection – they defined their own sound and feeling that still makes the songs fresh today when replayed. Their followups lacked much of the same feeling until now – the single Stand currently making rounds via Sirius and traditional radio has every bit the same passion as the original self-titled album had. Again, I’m hoping its not a one-trick pony and that the rest of the album is as good as the single.
As far as bands that release utter crap to critical acclaim because they’ve managed to strictly adhere to the popular opinion of the day – Green Day, Rage Against The Machine, System Of A Down. Sure, they might have some catchy tracks – but nothing I’d pay to listen to beyond the dial.