Category Archives: Motorcycle

And that’s that.

I can’t express how difficult it was to give this up.  I was sitting in the dealership trying to keep my tears in check.  This bike, this hobby I’d fallen away from a long time ago had its hooks in … Continue reading

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Fear, and the art of letting go.

I’ve been riding motorcycles for about 15 years now. My first bike was a little Kawasaki 500 that I managed to pull off a 1200 mile round trip to the Outer Banks just as my first marriage was falling apart. … Continue reading

Posted in Motorcycle | 1 Comment

I Hate Wasps.

Hate is a strong word that I generally do not care to use. While I fully understand that every creature on God’s green Earth has a purpose, I will never understand wasps. Here in GA I’ve come to accept these … Continue reading

Posted in Driving, Motorcycle, Ramblings... | Leave a comment


Last week I picked up a new bike, same model I had previously. Got back on the horse so to speak. My shoulder is much better than it was, a little stiff if anything. All in all I’d say I’m … Continue reading

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Close Call – Part III

As I went thorough in my previous posts – I had a motorcycle accident this week that I managed to walk away from. The insurance adjuster checked out my bike today and sadly had to total it out. I’ve never … Continue reading

Posted in Driving, Motorcycle | 1 Comment

Close Call – Part II

I believe what happened yesterday was meant to happen. On the way there, and later headed out in the wrecker, I passed curves with drop-offs of hundreds of feet down. The driver explained how many of those curves have cars down … Continue reading

Posted in Driving, Faith, Motorcycle | 1 Comment

Close Call.

So last week I traded in my old Kawasaki Vulcan for a new Indian FTR. Fantastic bike, handles and rides like a dream. Plenty of power (still getting used to that). Today I had no work, so I decided to … Continue reading

Posted in Driving, Faith, Motorcycle | 3 Comments

First road trip on the bike…

Last Tuesday night I decided to catch up with the rest of my family down at OBX.  The catch was, OBX is around 600 miles from here, and generally takes 10-12 hours to reach.  Since I’ve been riding for a … Continue reading

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Zen, and the art of the close call…

Heading home from work today, I’m coming into Florida doing about 40mph, a couple carlengths off the Mitsubishi in front of me…  Up ahead, a UPS truck is waiting to hang a left out of a parking lot, and a … Continue reading

Posted in Annoyances, Driving, Motorcycle | Leave a comment

Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Interesting week with the bike.  Last Thursday morning I was getting ready to ride into work, I go to start the bike like I normally do… half choke, neutral, hit the starter… doesn’t start.  Try again, it sputters to life … Continue reading

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